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Tips to Build a Growth Mindset in Kids

Writer's picture: Radhika PandereRadhika Pandere

Did you know that intelligence isn't always set in stone? You may have been brought up to believe that while some people were just good at challenging subjects, others simply didn't have the natural ability to learn how to solve complex maths and science problems. But let’s debunk that myth! You might be surprised to find out that the education and brain research in recent decades has proven otherwise.

One of the important factors for being able to develop this kind of intelligence is the belief that intelligence is the absolute result of hard work and studying. People call this a growth mindset!

Success. Abundance. Prosperity. Intelligence. Talent. Skill. These are all prospective products of a healthy growth mindset. And while we might have been conditioned a certain way, it’s never too late to instil this mindset in your little ones! Here are some ways you can do that:

1. Praising the Process

Praising your child for the efforts they pus into a task and not just the outcome itself is a great way to make them have a sense of accomplishment.

Feedback like, “You worked so hard to do this!” or “That seemed difficult but you really powered through!” are some examples of how to you can praise the process. This gives your little one a sense of accomplishment about their efforts.

2: Leading by Example

Be open with your little one about mistakes you might have made in the past and how you’ve learned from them. Let them see you do something new or something that is challenging – like exercising, cooking a new dish, and fixing things around your house.

Always maintain a positive attitude and try to demonstrate the learning process. That way, your child will be more likely engage in the same behaviour like you when you might have faced a challenge.

3: Explaining the Science Behind Growth

Children love to learn, and teaching them can help them see the need behind having a growth mindset!

Explain to your child that brains really have the ability to grow. Talk to them about how their brains are “plastic”, meaning that they can easily change. The key is to simply practice a skill or learn something new.

4. Trying Out New Ideas and Approaches to Problem Solving:

Various problems and tasks have so many different strategies and methods to be completed. If your little one is struggling with a problem, ask them if there is another way they can work to solve the problem. If they are really stuck with an issue, help them brainstorm ideas as to what else they can try to solve the problem or complete their work.

5. Paying Attention to Their Approaches to Problem-Solving:

This isn't simply about making sure they are following certain steps to complete their paper or perform a maths algorithm. This is about asking them to concentrate on how they themselves chose to solve a problem. Did they draw out a picture to figure out a better understanding of what they are trying to solve? Did they look for specific questions they were being asked by an assignment?

6. Trying to Solve a Hard Problem even if they Cannot See the End Solution:

Some problems are such that they require several steps in order to be completed. You probably think of your advanced high school maths classes as having these types of problems. But the new rigorous standards being used in school are specifically designed to expose kids to problems that need to be carefully analysed and thought through — not just answered through rote memorisation or some quick calculations. Such tasks may seem intimidating in the beginning but teaching them to power through, teaches them that no task is impossible and given the right concentration and hard work, anything can be achieved.

While these are some tips we felt you can follow, adding your own personal touch with your own unique ideas is the best way to go! Involve yourself in your child’s day to day activities and motivate them to keep trying to become the best versions of themselves. If you do come up with some unique ideas, do let us know about them too. Let’s get sharing!



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