You’ve heard of a vision board. You may have one for yourself too. But it may never have occurred to you until now that a vision board for kids could also be a thing — and that it may just be something that could help your little one visualise and realise their own goals. Visualisation is a very important skill to possess. It builds confidence, increases motivation and primes your little one for future success.
So to help your child get on the path to the ultimate visual manifestation, we’ve got some tricks up our sleeves that you might need to get started.
1. Collecting Supplies
Give your child enough to work with, such as old greeting cards, magazines, photos, markers, glitter, alphabet letter stickers and old mementos like ticket stubs. Anything you can stick, works. You will also need a pair of scissors, boards and glue. You can also invest in a few fun extras to get their creative juices flowing.

2. Keeping the Conversation Going
Parents know their kids very well, so it’s easy to stimulate their creativity. For instance- Oh look, here’s a picture of a flower. You love flowers. Put it on your board.’ Also try and ask open-ended questions that will spark your child’s imagination, such as: “What would a great holiday look like?” or “Who do you want to be when you’re older?”.

3. Listen to them and Learn
Moms know best—except in this situation. Try to keep your suggestions to yourself and let the child express themselves. Keep observing and occasionally ask if they need your help. This behaviour tries to make sure that the child is simply not trying to please the parent and is going ahead with their own creative instincts.
4. Display It Proudly
The best way to make your child happy is through validation. Put your child’s vision board out in the very open, in a central spot, so that they can see it every day for sparks of inspiration. You can repeat the activity once or twice a year, especially for big milestones like a birthday. And every now and then too you can in a low-key way, bring up the items on their board. It’s a great conversation starter and can also help them with their communication skills.

5. Discuss the Vision board
Now that the creative part of the process is done with, the main activity starts. This is where you need to sit down with your little one and actually discuss the vision board. Ask them about their goals in life and what they’d like to achieve in the near future and in the long run, also about what their vision for success looks like for themselves.

6. Revisiting the Vision board
Revisiting the vision board is the best part. Going back to the board and discussing with your child their progress is the most important thing. It helps them feel like they're in control and on the path to achieve their goals.

So while your child may have never tried out this activity, vision boarding is something you shouldn’t miss. It’s all about encouraging children and young people to dream big. So the next time you wonder why you should introduce your child to vision boarding, you can circle back to this very blog. So it’s now time you get creative with your little ones! Send us your pictures of vision boards once they’re ready. Let’s get sharing!